News & Events

What's New at the Taber Museum?

The Taber Museum was named "Best Museum" by the readers of the Williamsport Sun-Gazette, in the 2022 Reader's Choice contest.
The 31st edition of the Will Huffman Toy Train Expo featured working train layouts in the Taber Museum's Community Room. The Expo was held in conjunction with Victorian Christmas on November 19, 20, 2022.
Thomas T. Taber, III was remembered by friends and acquaintances during a celebration of life held at the Taber Museum on November 13, 2022.
The Taber Museum is offering two new greeting cards for the holiday season. Each design features artwork by a local artist, and both works of art are now in the permanent collections.
The PCN television network ran a story about the Shempp model toy collection at the Taber Museum. Museum docent John Hunsinger narrated for PCN.
On the Saturday before Halloween 2022, the Taber Museum hosted 149 trick-or-treaters. The visitors were treated to stories about local history and candy.
Tera Bush spoke at the Taber Museum on Sunday, October 16, 2022, about one of the biggest and most-followed rituals of Mexican families, Dia de Muertos - ‘Day of the Dead’.
The Taber Museum hosted Christopher Norris at its Coffee Hour on Thursday, October 13th, at 10am. Norris spoke on the ‘Irish Language in Ireland’.
The Thomas T. Taber Museum has received a mural-type painting depicting World War II from the Williamsport chapter of the Forty and Eight Club. The painting was done by local physician and artist Henry Mussina in 1950.
Fall is Quizzo season at the Taber, with a September session in the bag and an upcoming October 15 game
The Taber Museum hosted Timothy Hughes of Rare and Early Newspapers...History’s Newsstand at its Coffee Hour on Thursday, September 8, 2022.
Meg Geffken, oral interpreter, depicted Reeve Lindbergh as she discussed the private lives of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, at recent Taber Museum Society event
Bottles & Brews IX, supporting the Taber Museum, draws large crown of beer lovers.
Thomas T. Taber III died Saturday, August 13, 2022 at Hillside Senior Living Center, Montoursville. The museum was named in his honor in recognition of his generous contribution to the 1999 Capital Campaign and in grateful appreciation for his long time support of the Historical Society.
The Taber Museum held its annual Summer History Day Camp in July 2022.
‘Mark Twain’, as portrayed by Robb Warren, appeared at the Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society on Sunday, July 17, 2022.
The July 1, 2022 edition of Antiques & Auction News featured an article about the recent extended loan of a Severin Roesen still-life painting from area resident Bobby Maguire to the Taber Museum.
The Genetti Hotel celebrated the 100th birthday of its opening, with the proceeds benefitting the LCHS.
Meg Geffken, portraying actress Marilyn Monroe, spoke at the Taber on Sunday, June 19, 2022.
The Annual YesterShoppe! yard sale, on June 11-12, 2022, brought in hundreds of bargain seekers, and much needed revenue for the Museum.