What's New at the Taber Museum?

On Friday evening, August 4, the Taber Museum hosted a reception to highlight the 2023 summer wildlife exhibit, “In the Wilds of Pennsylvania and Beyond.” Clyde Peeling of Reptiland, was the guest speaker.

The Taber Museum has recently released its Annual Collectors’ Baseball Pin which features a depiction of the L.L. Stearns Department Store papier-mache bell.

2023 History Day Camp Explored the culture and events of the '50s, '60s & '70s

The Dr. June E. Baskin Art Camp was held at the Thomas T. Taber Museum during the week of June 19th to 23rd. The camp theme was ‘Arf! Roar! Tweet!—Animals, Animals, Animals.’

Gary Parks attends crosscut saw demonstration.

YesterShoppe! 2023 at the Taber Museum brought record numbers of shoppers and much needed financial support to the Museum's programming.

Elaine Decker discuss the Slack house: ‘The Tiniest Mansion in Williamsport’ at a May 21 Society Program.

The Taber Museum is playing host to a most unusual visitor- an exotic ‘Voodoo Lily’. Some may have heard about it; some may have seen pictures of it; but you will definitely remember its fragrance once you smell it, as it smells like rotting flesh!

The 2023 Lycoming County Historical Society Annual Meeting was held at the Taber Museum on April 23, 2023.

Nicolas E. Manning was named 2023 Student Historian, at the annual meeting of the Lycoming County Historical Society.

Bruce Rogers was recognized as 2023 Taber Museum Volunteer of the Year, at the annual meeting of the Lycoming County Historical Society.

In cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, the Taber Museum hosted local business leaders at an evening PM Exchange.

The Taber Museum hosted author David Richards at its Coffee Hour on Thursday, April 13.

The Quizzo fundraiser drew a record crowd at the Taber Museum in April 2023.

The Taber Museum has recently received a gift of four binders of material relating to the history of Williamsport’s Brandon Park, compiled and donated by former Brandon Park Commission chair Sally L. Wiegand.

The Taber Museum is pleased to announce the acquisition of a Severin Roesen still-life painting. Through the generosity of Ray and Eileen Secrist, formerly of Lewisburg, the painting has been accepted on long-term loan.

The popular exhibit, ‘Shopping During the Holidays: The L.L. Stearns Department Store’ opened on December 2, 2022, and closed in January 2023.

The Lycoming County Historical Society Journal winter 2023 edition has been released, and is available for purchase in the Museum Store.

Over 160 visitors were present for the Stearns Department Store During the Holidays lecture during the December 8 coffee hour.

The exhibit, ‘Shopping During the Holidays: The L.L. Stearns Department Store’ opened on December 2. As in the past, our extremely popular ornament sale heralded the opening.