News & Events

What's New at the Taber Museum?

The Taber Museum was voted the Williamsport Sun-Gazette's Reader's Choice award for best museum in 2024
An annual tradition continues with the Taber Museum Christmas Coffee Hour
Matt Stackhouse and David Richards spoke about their recent book, "Ghost on the Allegheny: Dr. Howard M. Essick and the Hotel Essick, 1889- 1916" at the October 2024 Society Event.
The Taber Museum Recently Hosted Richard Sprout, speaking on the History of Picture Rocks.
The Taber Museum Recently Hosted local author Tom Rich, who spoke his book, Railroads and Railroaders: East and West, The History of Lines That Operated in Central Pennsylvania
Meg Geffken, appearing as the historical character ‘Betsy Ross’ spoke at the Taber Museum's September Coffee Hour.
The eleventh version of the Taber Museum's Bottles & Brews fundraiser drew a huge crowd on August 9, 2024.
The 2024 Taber Museum day camp immersed kids in our colonial history, focusing on the people and culture of folks living in the colonial era.
The Taber Museum hosted local singer/songwriter Scott Schell at our Society Program on Sunday, July 21, 2024. He performed for a large crowd.
The Taber Museum hosted a garden party at the Rosenthal home on July 12.
Fifty museum goers traveled with the Taber Museum to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City on June 14th.
The Taber Museum recently introduced its digital guide on Bloomberg Connects, a free arts and cultural app created by Bloomberg Philanthropies. The app makes the museum accessible for either on-site or off-site visits through photo, audio and video formats. Twenty-four students in a Technical and Professional Communication class taught by Andrea M. Campbell performed research, asset gathering and inventory management to aid the museum in displaying its exhibits.
The Taber Museum hosted Shannon Jones at its Society Program on June 16, 2024. In 2019, she released her book on Susquehanna Lore, about the folklore and history of the Susquehanna River and Valley.
The Taber Museum hosted baseball historian Lou Hunsinger, Jr. at its June Coffee Hour, who spoke on the topic of ‘The Negro Leagues: Respect & Recognition’.
The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission unveiled a state historical marker in Way's Garden honoring artist Frances Tipton Hunter. Museum Director Gary Parks spoke at the event.
The Taber Museum recently acquired a rare triptych view of the Susquehanna River by J. Wesley Little and Long Lasting Happiness by Lynn Kibbe with funds from the Charlie Paris estate.
Bob Kane brought samples and talked about blue pottery on May 9 in a Taber Museum Coffee Hour talk.
The 2024 Spring Exhibit at the Taber Museum displayed memories of the West Branch School of Williamsport. Alumni, teachers and friends attended a reception gathered to remember on May 3.
Deb Parsons, local artist and owner of Parsons Hot Glass Studio, has been named the Lycoming County Historical Society 2024 ‘Volunteer of the Year’.
Dana Brigandi presented "The Legacy of Illustrator Frances Tipton Hunter" at the Historical Society's Annual Meeting. This followed the business meeting of the Society.