There is no better way to conclude the Lycoming County Historical Society's annual meeting than to hear a well-prepared presentation about the life and successes of a local, nationally known Illustrator. Brown Library Marketing Director Dana Brigandi capped-off the annual gathering of museum members with a fascinating profile of illustrator Frances Tipton Hunter.

Seth Burch Earlier in the evening, the society elected officers and Board of Governors' members, passed a budget, and recognized retiring Board members, the student historian, and volunteer of the year.

Randy DiPalo

President Seth Burch kicked off the meeting with officers' reports. One highlight was the report of treasurer Randy DiPalo, who noted that income and contributions exceeded expenses, allowing the Society to increase its endowment. This was a much welcome improvement in the Society's financial picture. The annual budget was adopted. Executive Director Gary Parks reported on the activities of the Museum in the past year.

Gary Parks

Officers were elected. The slate of officers remained the same as in the past year, with Burch as President and Mary Holstein as Vice President. Treasurer DiPalo and Secretary Sue Beidler were also reelected. Pat Damaska, Lindsey Harner and Brad Nason were elected to two year terms on the Board of Governors.

Gary Parks recognized term limited Board members Lisa DeVito, Andrea Campbell and Gary Weber for years of service on the Board of Governors.

Michela J. Peterman of Williamsport High School was the winner of the Richard L. and Miriam L (Swan) Mix Student Historian Award (read more). Deb Parsons was named Volunteer of the Year for her many years of efforts in support of the Taber Museum at the annual ornament sale, as well as service as a guest lecturer and instructor at art camp.

The highlight of the evening was the Brigandi presentation. The backdrop for the comments included illustrations in the collection of the Taber Museum as well as others from the Library. Many were given by the artist.

Frances Tipton Hunter moved to Williamsport from Centre County at age 6, after her mother died. She attended the Transeau School and graduated from Williamsport High School. Hunter studied art in Philadelphia. During her career, she was known for her illustrations of children interacting with animals that appeared in books, magazines, calendars and newspapers. She frequently returned for visits to Williamsport, and was buried in Howard after her death in 1957.

Hunter will be honored this summer with a state historical plaque, to be placed in Way's Garden during the annual arts festival.

The meeting concluded with the members invited to sample the homemade desserts provided by the Board of Governors.

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