President Seth Burch called the Annual Meeting of the Lycoming County Historical Society to order at 6 PM on April 23, 2023. Members listened to reports, passed a budget, elected officers and more, all while sampling desserts and wine.
After approving the minutes, the members heard from treasurer Randy DiPalo about the state of the organization's finances. This was a good year with income running well over budget. That resulted from increased donations, fundraising successes and higher than expected store sales. Unfortunately, expenses also increased, with utilities and employee expenses coming in higher. The budget for 2023-24 again shows a deficit, so the Board of Governors will continue to encourage business sponsorships, new memberships and donations. The budget was approved.
President Burch reported that the Society is moving in a positive direction. Memberships are up. Business sponsorship is increasing thanks to the efforts of Eric Ziegler. The Stearns display at the holidays was a success. He encouraged members to sell the Taber Museum and memberships, as it is worth the effort. He complemented the hard-working staff on their work in the past year.
Executive Director Gary Parks was missing from the meeting due to a health issue. President Burch reported that Gary is recovering and will be back at work soon.
The election of officers for 2022-23 was the next item of business. The recommended slate was: President – Seth Burch; Vice-President – Mary Holstein; Secretary - Susan Beidler; Treasurer – Randall DiPalo. The slate of officers was approved without opposition.
Election of Board of Governors members followed. The Board of Governors nominated the following individuals: Third Term – John Piper; Second Term – Mark Pompeo. The members approved the nominations unanimously.
President Burch and Scott Sagar recognized departing Board of Governors members Michelle Reidinger (2 years) and Bruce Huffman (6 years) Each received a certificate and were thanked for their service.
The business meeting adjourned to an interesting presentation by Barb Weiss on Handwriting Analysis.