Dr. Christopher PearlThe Taber Museum hosted the first lecture of its 2020 Lecture Series lecture on March 12, 2020. Dr. Christopher Pearl of Lycoming College spoke on a topic related to this year’s theme, “Made in Pennsylvania”, the Declaration of Independence was signed at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, July 4, 1776.

Christopher Pearl’s research and teaching interests center upon the political, religious, social and legal history of America to 1877. In his research, he addresses salient questions related to local governance, British imperial politics, and state formation during the American Revolution. Dr. Pearl is currently working on a book project on the American Revolution entitled, “Crisis of Governance: The Revolutionary Creation of an American State,” which will be published by the University of Virginia Press in 2020.

During 2020, fourteen lectures will be held throughout the year at Thursday morning Coffee Hours or Sunday afternoon Society Programs. The lectures will focus on aspects of culture that have a close connection to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Confirmed future talks include Sunday, May 17 at which time Jill Thomas will be speaking on the history of the Sturgis Pretzel Company and on Sunday, June 21, Thomas McLaughlin will be speaking on the history of the Stuart Tank which was created at the American Car and Foundries facilities in Berwick. Over 15,000 tanks were created for the World War II effort and the Stuart Tank Memorial Association Committee in Berwick was fortunate to have recently received one. The tank is currently undergoing restoration.