Pat Damaska was named Lycoming County Historical Society Volunteer of the Year at the 2020 annual meeting. But, due to the Covid-19 restrictions, it took several weeks for her to be presented with the award. Gary Parks, Executive Director, was recently able to make the presentation at the Museum.
"I’m shocked!”, Pat exclaimed when she received the announcement that she had been named ‘Volunteer of the Year.’ But the honor is well-deserved.
The award is bestowed on an individual who gives very freely of their time, talent and treasure. Pat, recently retired from Montgomery Area School District as a third grade teacher, has brought fresh ideas and fresh enthusiasm for our educational programming. She has coordinated our History Day Camp, brought in speakers, introduced new projects, and even bought supplies for the craft projects. In addition, she has recently begun tour guiding groups of children, senior citizens, and folks with special needs.
Thank you Pat for all you do for this organization.