"When the Circus Comes to Town..." is the theme of the holiday exhibit at the Taber Museum. It will open Wednesday, December 4, 2019 and continue through the New Year, closing on Saturday, January 18, 2020. The exhibit will feature an extensive ‘Humpty Dumpty Circus’ with a ring master, lion tamer, clowns, elephants, donkeys and trapeze artists, all under the Big Top tent. The flexible figures were created by the Schoenhut Factory, dating from the last decades of the 1800s and continuing until the 1910s. As well, carved circus figures created by Ron Wallace, a large collection of circus toys and music boxes, Anne Persun’s carousel horse figurines, Emmett Kelly photos and figurines, and circus posters will be featured.
The community is invited to participate by loaning their own treasures: circus posters, coin banks, circus dolls, Steiff circus animals, carousels and carousel horses, story books with a circus theme, and/ or circus trains.