Williamsport- The Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society will be hosting Barb Weiss at its first Coffee Hour of 2023 on Thursday, March 9, at 10am. Barb will be conducting handwriting analysis for the audience participants. The program will be held in the Community Room of the Taber Museum, 858 West Fourth Street, Williamsport. The lecture is free and open to the public.
The owner of AccuTax Xpress, Barb is an accountant by occupation. However, she notes, “I became interested when a friend did my handwriting analysis. It was interesting and very educating. I learned a lot about myself and my friends around me.” Before she enters the room, she requests that the participants write on a piece of paper “their birthday and state where they were born, [but] no names please.” From the handwriting submissions, “I can read about your generosity, honesty, kindness, health [and she warns] sometimes, I can read more, sometimes less.” The program will be approximately forty-five minutes long. Barb’s other hobby is history, “I am very interested in it… especially on how it affects what is happening today.”
The Lecture Series which combine the Thursday morning Coffee Hours and the Sunday afternoon Society Programs are held throughout the year. This year, the Lecture Series is sponsored by Van Campen Motors.
Parking is available behind the Museum or on the street. Please contact the museum at 570.326.3326.