QuizzoQuizzo at the Taber will be held at the Thomas T. Taber Museum of the Lycoming County Historical Society on Saturday, February 22, 2025, from 6:00pm until 9:00pm.

Jon Mackey (or his associate), who regularly poses questions to curious guests of local eateries, is going to challenge folks who attend the Historical Society Quizzo. Cost will be $10 per person. As space is limited, we strongly urge teams to reserve in advance. Teams of up to six people may compete. Questions are drawn from a broad-range of categories including geography, sports and music. The top scoring team will receive a prize or opt for a membership to the museum. There will be a consolation prize for the second top-scoring team. On that evening, there will be the opportunity of acquiring a museum membership at a discounted price and the chance to win a 50/50 drawing.

Beer and wine will be available, and soda, water and snacks will be offered throughout the night.

Quizzo at the Taber serves as a fundraiser for the Historical Society. Grab a team and come out to the Taber for a fun-filled night of Historical Society Quizzo!

The Thomas T. Taber Museum is located at 858 West Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA. Parking for the event will be available on the street and in the back of the museum. With the doors opening at 6:00pm, participants will have time to arrive and stroll through the museum. The game will officially start at 7:00pm. For any further information, please call (570) 326-3326.